We got into the car, all of us, last Thursday and drove east - toward Chapel Hill.
We're trying to get one of two little boys into an experimental treatment program for autism, and this was the first step. The closest lab participating is at UNC - so off we went. Some very kind people helped us coordinate the process, even contacting the Ronald McDonald house because as patients in the program they would assist us with lodgings.
I'm not actually sure how much I am or am not supposed to SAY about the actual treatment so I'll just be vague, but I'm hoping he gets in and I'm hoping he does not get the placebo. My littlest boy has the greatest challenges and problems. He is far more severely autistic than his brother.
You can imagine our displeasure when as we headed into NC I got a message saying "You may have heard we're getting a severe snow storm........."WHAT? WHAT? NO!"
I did not hear. Sigh. I can't say enough with how gracious the research coordinator was even contacting the Ronald McDonald house to get us more time if we got trapped there. Amazing.
But they were able to see him and do the interview process. It was a very impressive campus and hospital system. Of course, that night.........the snow came.
.....part two tomorrow
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