A Mommy Blog About Raising Men, Not Boys.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

A Special Gift For the Queen Of Spain

Lighten Up


Becky said...

Hanna Banana Anderson ... eat your heart out!

Anonymous said...

Actually, you guys look really cute.

Did you see those matching long john's though???

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I still can't believe you talked Scott into this. He must really love you.

When we had Becky take family pictures I couldn't even get Gabe to agree to all wear white or black.

tammy said...

I love this picture! My boys had matching pj's for Xmas, but they chose them. Each year I make them pj's & they get to pick whatever they want, they wanted the same thing this year.

Devra said...

Is your hubby wearing footy pajamas too? My husband wants them too, but for ME to wear. He hates it when I use his thighs to warm my toes. Why? Why is he so stubburn about me wearing socks to bed? Why? Why? Why?

Peter said...

I am reminded of Ben Stillers performance at the Oscars. Your children seem to be heads floating against a back drop of snow men.