A Mommy Blog About Raising Men, Not Boys.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Oh Ye of Little Faith -Promapalooza Teaser

Okay, did you really think I didn't have the STUFF to be a big 80s queen?
Did you REALLY?
This is Tim and me - looking extremely cool if I must say so.
I am currently unsure where my Promapalooza shot will be posted, it might be over on Sarah's page - I will you all know. I am going to have a new PC being set up and anticipate my internet access being down for a day or two.


Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Super hot.

April Brandon said...

I'm still trying to figure out the hair....man you were blonde. What happened????

Anonymous said...


Running2Ks said...


April Brandon said...

i thought about it, and i decided to post my pics. They aren't too bad...just reminded me of how skinny I used to be. Which is depressing, but another story all together.

Love the dress, by the way.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

I forgot to tell you how much I dig the matching yellow.

Tim said...

Was that the Children's Museum by the train? Damn, we're cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulaions, Bridgette. You've been officially crowned the Promapalooza 2005 Hair Queen. Now you really have to re-post the winning photo on your site. Oh yeah, and give us all the secret on that healthy, bleach-blonde look. How'd you pull it off?

Running2Ks said...

Congratulations to you!!!

April Brandon said...

WAY TO GO GIDGE!!!! Who won the best dresses?????

Anonymous said...

Whhoo hooo!

Becky said...

Hot, hot, hot!