Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Trains, and Flowers, and Bottomless Rootbeer Floats

I have to confess, the day before Mother's Day, I wasn't FEELING IT. Some combination of PMS and tired had rendered me desiring SILENCE AND ALONE TIME on "My Special Day". My husband offered, and I considered it. But the morning came and my tiny (and not so tiny) humans all piled into my bed and there were kisses and hugs and how could I spend my day alone, when they were the reason for my day?

We went to one of our favorite places, the Vines Gardens which includes a Garden Railroad that's open from May to October and my kids can stop for hours and look at the trains, if you let them. After we'd had the ice cream they were giving away, and enjoyed some cups of lemonade, we made our way through the botanical gardens, wandering the path together - much like we do every day though life.
It was warm and sunny and a beautiful day around the lake.

There will be Mother's Days in the future when they aren't home, when they don't WANT to be home, when walking around a lake and then going to Red Robin for more Rootbeer Floats than you can shake a stick at won't even be appealing.
I feel like the days are slipping away from me and even the time I spend sitting here woolgathering is lost time, moments I am wasting. I should be playing Candyland. Candyland's days are numbered.

But I also know that I need to give my brain a break and rest, and be a little selfish so I can give them all of me when they need me most.

So I won't feel too bad as I spend an hour listening to them play and giggle in the other room. 

My special day was the best day ever, made possible by the presence of the five people I love most in the whole word who aren't my Mom.

Because after all, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be half the mom I am today. 

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