Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ok It Doesn't Ruin EVERYTHING

My oldest son is still in Boy Scouts and this weekend was the Blue and Gold Banquet and Chili Cook off. These events can be tricky with our two little special guys, especially since they involve sitting and being quiet for stretches - not their forte.
But we're a family, and that means whenever possible we ALL go to events.That means we have to adjust a bit, to make sure we don't impact your time either - but that we get to have a nice family time too.
We sit kind of away from everyone else, whenever possible and that lets the twins dance and sing and do whatever. And we can be together and have fun too.
For this dinner the chili cook off is a big deal. Louis and his dad like to try out the different kinds and determine which is delicious and which is not. I always just eat my Hunny's chili because it's awesome and my favorite always.
Julia likes the dessert contest the best. I think she was going to bite anyone who tried to take this cupcake from her.
But the highlight of the evening other than a fun night of feasting and Louis getting to see his friends was the awards. Louis earned pins for achievements so far this year. He loves Scouts so much I don't regret letting him stay in. We weren't sure about it at first, but it's a great activity and definitely something he enjoys.
I love that we all go to his events. My mom always came to everything she could when I was growing up, but it wasn't always possible with only one car and Matt being so little. We always make it a point to all go as a family to these events, to support him and show him how proud we are of him.

Because we really are.

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