Sunday, May 01, 2011

More About The Mouse

Our trip to Disney was specifically to celebrate the big girl's first birthday. As you can see, she was keen to share her special birthday cupcake with the characters - who she seemed to think were just big stuffed animals to play with. To say she loved them would be the biggest understatment ever.

Why do we love Disney World so much?
I'm not sure. Because it's the place where we officially declared we'd be a family?
Maybe. But it's always had this cementing force on our lives. Despite the hot and the sore feet.

There is something perfect and magical about the Happiest Place on Earth. Maybe it really IS just that.

People will ask us "Well wasn't she really too young to understand it?"
I don't know. How old do you have to be to understand joy?
There is no such thing as too young for joy. Or to old. I think sometimes you just have to be reminded what it looks and feels like.
It's like this.

Crazy and disorganized and cluttered and not even looking at the camera.
This is joy.

This is my family.

1 comment:

  1. Disney is magic no matter your age! I think it's completely wonderful you have such a great tradition. I hope you all have many more wonderful trips to visit the mouse!

    <3 Sanura
