Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where Did 9 Months Go?

In the amount of time it took for gestation, my little lump of grumpy hungry human has suddenly started turning into a girl.
She thinks things are funny. Hilarious mostly. She repeats words that fall within the range of consonant sounds she has mastered. She has a phone, given to us back when the twins were babies by Sarah which the twins thought was ok but she cannot be without.

She is a GIRL.

Even without all the pink I compulsively dress her in. She is unmistakably a female of the species.

9 months ago, at this exact moment, they were reaching as far into my abdomen as they could to pull her out from under my ribs. I wasn't really happy, at that moment in time. Her birth was the only one of the three I went through that wasn't a moment of joy. I was too afraid to feel joy or anything else.

But nearly every minute since then she has been the most amazing sunshine in our lives. She's the cheeriest baby we ever made, that's for sure.

Some people have asked me what would we have done if we hadn't gotten a girl, and I guess I'd be writing about how I had a little boy who was also sunshine.

Happy 9 Months Day little girl. We really do like you a lot.

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