It's both annoying and weird.
So while my brain percolates and tries to get back on board with the fact that I love this blog and I LIKE to post here, I thought I'd catch you up on something I mentioned a long time ago.
We're in a study with an experimental autism treatment right now.
Every few weeks, we load up the entire crew and drive over to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We see a nice team of people who we've come to know pretty well and they give us medicine for my littlest boy, and we take them POOP SAMPLES! That's right, the husband collects a whole buttload of poop and we take it over with us. EVERY TIME!
Cool eh?
Plus, not to leave you out of the good times, every time the littlest boy poops - we have to categorize it and write it in this book. Above are all the categories of human poop. LOVELY isn't it?
We get a lot of fives. I'm just saying.
We make the seven hour journey over, stay at a hotel partially subsidized by the Ronald McDonald House (OMG SUPPORT THEM!) and then we have our visit. Then we make the seven hour journey home. It's mind numbing.
But our littlest boy is happier on this drug, he's a joyful child when he used to have so much rage. And the other twin is now in a different study -one without medication - but that helps us cover the costs of the trip better and might possibly help other parents with autistic children also as it covers many of the parenting pieces.
They asked me, how does having autistic children change your life?
I told them I couldn't really quantify it. It defines our life. I don't remember what life was like before, except that it was quieter.
So you're caught up. Everyone goes back to school tomorrow and maybe I'll get back in here more often like I should. I need my brain to ungel.
What's new with YOU anyway?
We just got back from a week in DC, but I have forgotten all about the fun and beauty of that trip now that I've seen another photo of your little Julia. She's an angel straight from heaven! Did she get her dip-tet? She's gotta have her dip-tet.