Thursday, April 16, 2009

How Being Invited Into a Threesome is Useful

It IS useful and I can prove it to you now, and teach you how to use this experience to your own personal benefit - both practically and emotionally/spiritually.

You might be saying to yourself, "Self, Gidge has flipped her wig - she's talking about threesomes and emotional growth."
But I'd say "Just follow along."
See, once upon a time - about oh say, 15 years ago, I had this really really jackass boyfriend who got it into his head that he and this FORMER girlfriend of his (okay not formal girlfriend - ummm friend with benefits?) and I might make for a spectacular naked puddle of human jello.

Yes indeed he did.
And he was surreptitious about it - smooth even. Did the old "Oh I want you to meet one of my best friends" routine. VERY smooth.

And then we both figured out what was up.
And politely declined.
What we DID do however, was become friends ourselves. Good friends. The kind of friend who even if I didn't talk to her for three months, if she showed up on my door with a bag and said "I have to move in with you," I'd be like "Yeah, ok - no worries."

Because I don't have to be all up in your face 24/7 to love you like that.

And she's the type of friend who LIKES going to goofy places like Dinosaur World with us - despite it's goofiness.

And while we were in Florida she offered us respite from our Vomit filled tent.

And we were able to sleep in the unbelievably luxury and comfort of the best bed in the entire world (it seemed this way after the night in vomitopolis). It was extremely convenient for the morning when I woke up with a sky high fever and wishing I was dead.

It was far better to writhe and sweat in the guest bedroom of a friend than a vomit scented, super heated tent down on the waterfront in Florida.

And well, a huge bonus that might not occur to adults but was not lost on a certain six year old.

She has dogs.

Dogs that will do tricks for you, even.

Which from what I can tell, when you are six, is about the best thing ever. It almost even makes up for missing two days of vacation because everyone is so sick. Almost.

So the only real point, is to say that you don't actually know where you are going to find your friends, but it's probably important to remember that some of the best ones you will ever meet - might be standing in the unlikeliest of places.
Love you Kris! We miss you already.


  1. That's really lovely! Great post :D

  2. It's always useful Sweetie......

  3. This may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me. I am so glad we met, however sketchy it might have been!

    And you know I'd do anything for you guys and I love those boys like they were my blood? I loved getting to hang with you all.
