Iris Seale at Shopping Cart Disco Issued the "What's In Your Bag Challenge" so I had to play.
What is in my purse?
- Door card for work
- Empty bottle of Tums
- Wash Away Your Sins Coin Purse
- Nail File
- Paperclip
- Gum
- Inhaler
- Receipt from Publix
- 2 Random Christmas Cards
- Make-Up Bag with 10 lipsticks and glosses or more
- 2 maxi pads for my never ending period
- 2 pens
- tape measure
- starbucks card with 1.04 on it
- paycheck stub
- hair-band thingy for emergencies - like when I can't stand my hair in my face one more second
- cell phone
- key chain thing for children's healthcare of Atlanta - I just thought of this, why do they have these? Do I get coupons for health emergencies from them
- Blank deposit tickets
- My kids pics - obscured by the deposit ticket
Comment love. Wow, lots of stuff in your pursem but I supppose for a mom, not so much