Sunday, October 05, 2008

Guess Who's Back? Back Again....

Sorry, I've been listening to Eminem and Shady's Back is stuck in my brain - but in a good way.
If you didn't hear the news......

I might not be online as much starting tomorrow.

Because I'll be at WORK!


Thank you again to everyone who helped and supported my family through this amazing trial. We couldn't have made it without all of you!


  1. Man,life is good. Now the kids and I can get back to porn and shots of brown liquor. We'll miss you, Bunny. Great job-we are all so proud of you! Except Charlie, but he thinks you are really fun to pinch.

  2. That is AWESOME! Way to go!

  3. oh YAY!!!
    I'm so glad! Congrats. :)

  4. Yay!!! I am so happy to hear the good news - Woo Hoo!!!
