When I lived in Kentucky I worked with a dude who was relatively cool and hung out with the husband and I quite a lot. One night as he and my husband had a long conversation about foods they loved the conversation drifted to Jack In The Box, which you may recall, the husband loves.
As the two of them bonded over their love of the JITB Anthony expounded "And they put those EGGS on EVERYTHING!"
The husband was surprised, I of course had NO idea what they were talking about, but Anthony very confidently pronounced that he loved JITB because of the delicious eggs they put on everything.
Here you see the family dining at the JITB which is in Nashville TN, where we stopped on our way home from Indiana in September. Please note the conspicious lack of egg on any of our food.
Anyway, over the years we had relegated this tale of "egg on everything" to some bizarre story someone we USED to know told. The Husband actually used to LIVE out West so he knew damn well JITB does NOT put egg on everything.
The Husband had a revelation yesterday - it's not JITB that offers egg...it's FAT BURGER. Please refer to the ADD ONS at the bottom of the menu.
Anthony, my friend. FATBURGER. NOT JACK IN THE BOX.
I need to get out more. We don't have JITB in my neck of the woods. We don't have Sonic, either, or Fatburger or even White Castle. I really need to get out more!