First of BIG pumpkin this year was not just a pumpkin, I learned as I went to slay it.
It was in fact, a biosphere, growing it's own pumpkins INSIDE of itself. Anyone ever HEARD of this? Seriously, seeds had sprouted inside the pumpkin and there were VINES of pumpkin plant shown here.
And I tell you something else, that bitch Martha Stewart might say that the different colored pumpkins are so chic this year, but clearly she didn't have to gut and CARVE the damn things. They were full of goo and guts like you would not believe. I carved and destroyed the 80 pound biosphere pumpkin in the less time than it took me to gut and carve EACH little fancy pumpkin.
But they looked cool.
In keeping with the family tradition, the boys also painted pumpkins so we had the combo thing going on.
Darth Vader and the Clone Troopers cleaned up on Halloween night - to be sure. The second to the last house we went to was DONE for the nigh - and dumped all the rest of their candy on us. WOOHOO!
Holidays just seem to mean more, with these little rugrats around. Even with silly commercial events like Halloween, the family time that we create to do the special things together makes me so sentimental. And when I tuck Lil Satchmo into bed, and he tells me "This was the best Halloween I ever had." I get all weepy and emotional.
Now, someone explain to me why the black icing from my Haunted Gingerbread House made green poop.
Holy shit, it's like a light bulb just went off in my head. Black jelly beans also equal green poop. You are a brilliant woman.