Thursday, October 04, 2007

Ghost Dog - Way of the Second Life Samurai

I don't know if any of you ever saw the wonderful movie GHOST DOG - WAY OF THE SAMURAI . I love it although I don't think I ever met anyone besides my husband who has seen it. The Wikipedia lists the main character's relationship with the ice cream man as a running gag (they are friends who do not share a common language at all).

It isn't a gag. They are friends. At one point each of them says of the other "This man is my best friend" and it's quite touching. It's about making friends beyond language. About sensing purpose, and kindness and a kindred spirit in another spirit and bonding with that person because of it.

I have made such a friend.

I met a Japanese lady one day in Second Life when I did a call for models. Alice07 showed up and said "Sorry no English" but we muddled through. Since then, we have seen each other several times and she made a point to come the grand opening events to celebrate all our hard work getting the Vicious Studios reopened. I cannot tell you why, but she intrigues and delights me. I like Alice. And I don't know why.

See, Second Life isn't all Gorean B&D. It's just PARTIALLY Gorean B&D.
And if you are around this Sunday at 5am SLT she is having a party at her club - search SL for Pepermint Blue.


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