Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Guess Who's Back?

Nope, not Eminem. It's Scott aka Frank or, for all you haters out there, that dickhead who married Gidge. We are back from Indiana. We had a wonderful time with our families and the friends that we got to see. If we missed you - sorry. Oh yeah, there was one thing that totally sucked ass and it was the reason we were there: my Mom and that best of all acid trips - the stroke. When I was growing up, my mother was the best friend of a very lonely little boy who had no real friends until his teen years. All the other kids are much older and were mostly gone when I was little. She used to take me to places like this playground at the Commons in Columbus, IN:

It was great to take my kids to a place that made me so happy when I was little. We had lots of ice cream together there. Mom loves ice cream a lot. I fed her some on Saturday. She can hold the spoon if you scoop it out for her. That's about it, as her right side is paralyzed now. I think she liked it. Who would know? She can't speak any more.

If the rumors are true, I have 14 brothers and sisters. But some are steps and there are some that my dad had with a lady way after mom. Never even met those. My mother actually only has six kids. We came from all over the country to see her. How about a shout out to Terry, Darryl (not pictured), Virginia, Theresa (sorry about spelling, you guys) and let's not forget Mom. Side note to David: Fuck you for not coming to see her. You live nearby, you prick.

She may come all the way back, she's only 69. Maybe not. My birthday is November 6th. Having my old mom back would be the best present ever. I miss my Mommy.

I'll leave the fun part of the trip for Bidgy to tell you. But I don't want to sit here and cry any more so I'll share my big fun with you. For the first time in 13 years, I got to eat at Jack in the Box! I missed you old friend.

And, as you fans of JITB know, the mystery meat-paste tacos are the Holy Grail of any JITB visit. This one was for you, Vic: Yum!!!!

Thanks for listening to my rants y'all. (We do live in Georgia now, so I can say that).

1 comment:

  1. that taco looks so disgusting

    and I second the fuck you to the prick who didn't go
