Thursday, May 24, 2007

My List of Five

Remember that episode of FRIENDS where Ross makes his list of freebies, the celebrities that IF HE HAS THE chance, he can have sex with them even if he's in a relationship? My own list was always, in my opinion, somewhat conservative in nature. On it would be (in no particular order)
  • Sting
  • Harrison Ford
  • Liam Neeson
  • Ewan MacGregor
  • Bono

Anyway, you can see, I never really bothered to put any HARD ROCKERS on my list but if YOU decide to, I found a useful resource that will come in handy compiling a list of your own.

And, Art Alexakis........wash your crotch. Geeeez dude.

Totally unrelated........but a MUST SEE. On the ORLEANS that guy getting ready to rub the OTHER guys nipple?


  1. Those albums covers were HYSTERICAL!

    My list of five:
    Orlando Bloom
    Zach Braff
    Jude Law
    Grisham from CSI

    I really think your boy Ewan would take less time than making a slice of toast. :)

  2. Ewan has the big one.
    It's well known.
    Legend, even......
