Sunday, October 22, 2006

Birthday Buddies

My life abounds with Birthday Buddies. Becky and Sarah are birthday buddies and Becky's twin girls and my twin boys are birthday buddies but now I have my very own birthday buddy!
We went out last night to celebrate our mutual birthday a few weeks late (we went to Crazy Buffet for dinner on our actual birthday but didn't HIT the TOWN as it were as she was just flying back into town and it was just a bad night for "going out".
We finally remedied that last night! Woohoo! We started at the Margarita Mama's which is apparently AGAINST air conditioning here in Florida. We decided that just as some old time Florida establishments will advertise "Air Conditioned" in neon or other tacky signs, Margarita Mama's should advertise "Unbelievably hot" or "No AC - come in and sweat miserably". Good thing the food is good and so are the drinks - cuz you wouldn't go there otherwise. At least not in the summer. (I really do like the food and would go back but we've been TWICE and both time it was AFRICA HOT).

We then trekked over to Howl at the Moon. I hadn't been to a piano bar in about a million years but it was a pretty good time. The jello shots were unbelievably like drinking jello + Windex. (Which is good because they were strong and not a ripoff, which is bad because you felt like you were going to die while drinking them).

Nikki and I met through mutual friends and like Becky and Sarah falls under that rare category of adult friends you make that you don't actually work with. (But I met her through people I work with). I'd like to say a bunch of sappy stuff about what a great friend she is and how happy I am I met her and that like Becky and Sarah, I consider her one of my best friends. And that she makes me laugh and that it's cool to make a friend who likes the things you like, who GETS you and think the same crap is funny and is just weird enough not to think you are weird. But since I'm still fairly freaking hungover from the windex shots I'll leave all that out and say..... Happy Bday Birthday Buddy!

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