Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ritz Mock Apple Pie, Baby!!

What do you do when you want to find something to do besides going out drinking? You start making the recipes off of the back of boxes. Nikki and I (with Scott supervising) created in infamous RITZ CRACKER MOCK APPLE PIE. Ever heard of it? It's on the back of the Ritz boxes a lot of the time - and the FEATURE it boasts is that you don't need apples! VOILA! Apple pie from crackers!

Here is the first stage - combining the ingredients in the bottom of the pie pan.
Then you top it with a lovely crust - and pinch it! This pie was ridiculously simple to make. The recipe can be found at Back of the Box recipes.


Surprisingly, while it baked it smelled like a delicious apple pie baking.
When it came out of the oven, Scott took the first bite and started laughing - and confessed "It tastes like apple pie."
We're not sure what insane person thought this up......but it was actually good in a creepy frightening sort of way. We're now going to try to figure out what sort of other pies we can mock. (My husband's input is that the MOCK is his least favorite kind of apple).
And if you are wondering what IBP is......well that's Scott's Imaginary Band which is a whole other story.......


  1. I will never understand how a pie made with crackers tastes like apple, it's magic! And hey, nice to see a photo of you :)

  2. That first picture looks pretty ill.
