Thursday, February 02, 2006

Return to The Wang

Okay so life has been mad and I haven't been blogging.
I thought I would return (with Scott's encouragement to tell it) with a Lou story.
We picked up my mom from the airport last week. Louis and I went to the airport and picked her up around midnight. We sat in baggage claim patiently until all the people from her plane began descending down the escalators. Louis RAN across terminal shrieking "GRANDMA!" in joy and gave her a big hug.
Then he steps back.
Hikes down his jeans and pointing at his crotch yells "Look what I have! UNDERPANTS! I don't pee in my pants any more!!"
As I frantically pull his pants BACK up while all the passengers laughed, I had to admit it was funny.
When we got to the car he announces "Grandma, I am not supposed to show my underpants in public. I did it for a joke."
That's good stuff people.


  1. That IS good stuff. And the funniest part is that he knows it!

  2. I try to follow that No Panties in Public rule. But thru no fault of my own, I showed my panties, and quite a bit more when my jeans ripped while I was in NYC a couple of weeks ago. Right on 7th Avenue, half a block from the Carnegie Deli. Oh, and it was High Noon, so the street had a bit more than a few handful walking around. Fortunately I had a large purse. I put it in back of me, covered my tush and ran up to 8th Avenue looking for the only store where I could find a pair of pants that did not proclaim "NYC Bootylicious" on the butt. Can I tell you how much I love the store called "Blues" on 8th Avenue?! I walked in, tried on two pair, found one that actually fit in the length, which is nothing short of Divine Intervention, and said to the saleswoman, "I'm just gonna wear these home." She was slightly shocked, but grudgingly removed the giant plastic circle and let me be on my merry way.

  3. Now I know what I'm getting Devra for her birthday.

  4. I don't know Devra - NYC Bootylicious might have been a new way for you to go.....

  5. Gidge,
    I think you are right. I should have thrown caution to the wind along with my ass. Hey, now you know what I might want for Chanukah next year...

  6. Dude, you get like 8 nights of presents right? Think about it, we could get you the NYC Bootylicious thong, jeans, tank top, earrings, platforms, bra, tattoo and hairbob.
    Throw in some chunky blonde highlights and you would be, what the girls at my office call GHETTO FABULOUS.
    It would be a completely new look for you.
