Saturday, July 23, 2005

Off for a Mickey Wedding

We're off to a Disney Wedding of my Friend Kristine. She's having a fun improptu Wedding at the Magic Kingdom just somewhere in the park. I'm excited for her she moved to FLA for this guy and they are really great together. I really liked him a lot when I met him, he's very smart and pretty laid back and funny. So it'll be great to see them get married.
And of course Louis is excited that we're off to his favorite place.

Last night Louis and I took in DRAGON TALES LIVE! Woohoo baby we rocked the house on that one, let me tell you. Lou hit the motherlode on souvenirs and for dinner his specific request was a hot dog, a popcorn and a GREAT BIG COKE.

It was a hoot.

Well more from Disney when we return.

1 comment:

  1. You guys go to Disney more than anyone else I know. I hope you own some stock in the company.
