Saturday, July 09, 2005

GNATS To you

So we have some massive GNAT infestation going on. We think they came in with some fruit - Louis is a big banana guy when it come to breakfast, gotta have a banana. But suddenly they are EVERYWHERE. Scott did some research (he says that they are fruit flies not gnats but whatever) and now he's been putting amonia down the pipes at night (apparently this is where they lay their eggs) and he has bowls of redwine vinegar + Dawn sitting around everywhere. The redwine vinegar is a trap, they get stuck in it and die. So far it seems to be working - there are four dead in the kitchen bowl and three in the bathroom. Not a bad start.
Also - I've been very troubled lately by my friend Sarah's assertation that she can see the buttholes on 64 Zoo Lane.

I cannot see the buttholes - I am concerned Sarah has a serious butthole fetish and needs help.

Heehee. Just kidding.

But I couldn't see them!


  1. They are there. You just have to wait until one of them turns around. I could not possibly have made that up. It is far too messed up. Truth is stranger than fiction.

  2. That isn't to suggest I still don't need help.

  3. with all that crap scott is pouring down the drains, it must smell like a big-ass salad in your kitchen.
