It began so well. We had a really happy, fun day which I will have to write about some other time. This post isn't about that. We decided to end our day with a trip to one of our favorite places, The Varsity, for dinner.
We love the place and have made an Easter time trek there many years. But we had such a great day yesterday that we decided we would go, it would be a great treat.
Even with the really long wait for food (they were slammed) the twins were happy and content, knowing that some of their favorite food was coming soon.
We ate happily, chatting as a great big family of dorks enjoying our calorie rich feast. Then we headed home and planned our evening around the Oscars.
I headed upstairs to change diapers and get on pajamas while Julia started a breathing treatment downstairs. I had promised her a pajama party you see, so that was the plan, pajamas and Oscars. I was beginning to change Miles when Charlie walks in, gets the doorway and unleashes a torrent of puke. He takes two steps forward and does it again. All of the door and the floor.
Thus began the evening that the Varsity did us wrong. I'm not sure if they have an employee who is ill with some sort of virus or they mishandled food in some way but one thing is clear, those of us who ate the Chilli and the cheeseburgers became violently sick in a night that hasn't ended. My oldest boy just did another round of puking at 9:30 am. The only person in our house who isn't horribly sick is the girl, who took one bite of hot dog, a few bites of fries and ate nothing else except cheese sauce. Miles puked all over the living room, and his bed, Charlie puked in his bed around 3 am or something. I'm not sure, eventually I lost track of time. The last time on the clock was 5 am when I was waking up because my husband was taking care of someone or I was, again - I forget. Up and down, up and down every hour or less.
My husband is terribly sick also but he's got a will of steel and despite needing to vomit he knuckled down and took care of us. There is something so comforting about SOMEONE being the adult in charge.
As for me, they twins got me up at 8 am and I can barely think. I'm having a coffee which my insides tell me is ill advised but I don't even care. I'm so tired I will end up asking my husband to take the reins sometime after breakfast as I'm not well myself.
I asked Louis, after his last round of puking, "Are you ok?"
His response, "Physically yes, emotionally - no."
Looks like we're off the Varsity for a long while.
Monday, February 29, 2016
The One Where The Varsity Did Us Wrong
It began so well. We had a really happy, fun day which I will have to write about some other time. This post isn't about that. We decided to end our day with a trip to one of our favorite places, The Varsity, for dinner.
We love the place and have made an Easter time trek there many years. But we had such a great day yesterday that we decided we would go, it would be a great treat.
Even with the really long wait for food (they were slammed) the twins were happy and content, knowing that some of their favorite food was coming soon.
We ate happily, chatting as a great big family of dorks enjoying our calorie rich feast. Then we headed home and planned our evening around the Oscars.
I headed upstairs to change diapers and get on pajamas while Julia started a breathing treatment downstairs. I had promised her a pajama party you see, so that was the plan, pajamas and Oscars. I was beginning to change Miles when Charlie walks in, gets the doorway and unleashes a torrent of puke. He takes two steps forward and does it again. All of the door and the floor.
Thus began the evening that the Varsity did us wrong. I'm not sure if they have an employee who is ill with some sort of virus or they mishandled food in some way but one thing is clear, those of us who ate the Chilli and the cheeseburgers became violently sick in a night that hasn't ended. My oldest boy just did another round of puking at 9:30 am. The only person in our house who isn't horribly sick is the girl, who took one bite of hot dog, a few bites of fries and ate nothing else except cheese sauce. Miles puked all over the living room, and his bed, Charlie puked in his bed around 3 am or something. I'm not sure, eventually I lost track of time. The last time on the clock was 5 am when I was waking up because my husband was taking care of someone or I was, again - I forget. Up and down, up and down every hour or less.
My husband is terribly sick also but he's got a will of steel and despite needing to vomit he knuckled down and took care of us. There is something so comforting about SOMEONE being the adult in charge.
As for me, they twins got me up at 8 am and I can barely think. I'm having a coffee which my insides tell me is ill advised but I don't even care. I'm so tired I will end up asking my husband to take the reins sometime after breakfast as I'm not well myself.
I asked Louis, after his last round of puking, "Are you ok?"
His response, "Physically yes, emotionally - no."
Looks like we're off the Varsity for a long while.
We love the place and have made an Easter time trek there many years. But we had such a great day yesterday that we decided we would go, it would be a great treat.
Even with the really long wait for food (they were slammed) the twins were happy and content, knowing that some of their favorite food was coming soon.
We ate happily, chatting as a great big family of dorks enjoying our calorie rich feast. Then we headed home and planned our evening around the Oscars.
I headed upstairs to change diapers and get on pajamas while Julia started a breathing treatment downstairs. I had promised her a pajama party you see, so that was the plan, pajamas and Oscars. I was beginning to change Miles when Charlie walks in, gets the doorway and unleashes a torrent of puke. He takes two steps forward and does it again. All of the door and the floor.
Thus began the evening that the Varsity did us wrong. I'm not sure if they have an employee who is ill with some sort of virus or they mishandled food in some way but one thing is clear, those of us who ate the Chilli and the cheeseburgers became violently sick in a night that hasn't ended. My oldest boy just did another round of puking at 9:30 am. The only person in our house who isn't horribly sick is the girl, who took one bite of hot dog, a few bites of fries and ate nothing else except cheese sauce. Miles puked all over the living room, and his bed, Charlie puked in his bed around 3 am or something. I'm not sure, eventually I lost track of time. The last time on the clock was 5 am when I was waking up because my husband was taking care of someone or I was, again - I forget. Up and down, up and down every hour or less.
My husband is terribly sick also but he's got a will of steel and despite needing to vomit he knuckled down and took care of us. There is something so comforting about SOMEONE being the adult in charge.
As for me, they twins got me up at 8 am and I can barely think. I'm having a coffee which my insides tell me is ill advised but I don't even care. I'm so tired I will end up asking my husband to take the reins sometime after breakfast as I'm not well myself.
I asked Louis, after his last round of puking, "Are you ok?"
His response, "Physically yes, emotionally - no."
Looks like we're off the Varsity for a long while.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
The Aunties Roll Through
People will someone ask me "who" my Aunt Suzie is. Well, one answer would've been that she was Mom's best friend. But that's such a simplification of who she is in our family. She's the family you choose. She's the person who never forgets your birthday or anniversary. She's the story keeper of our family, taking photos for the last 47 years that are truly the story of many of our special days. When my mom went into labor with me, they drove around the dorms where she lived honking their horns and yelling out the windows, to let her know they were on their way to the hospital. I'm pretty sure she didn't hear them but that's not the point. She was the first person they HAD to tell. When I came home from the hospital and the family descended to see the first grandbaby, she refused to let anyone but my Aunt Suzie hold me. My Aunt Suzie has never been Suzie - she's Aunt Suzie. She's far more of an Aunt than either of the ones I actually share DNA with.
For my children too she's the magical Aunt who descends with presents and total attention to everything they have to tell her. Since we live far away they don't have the luxury of ice cream and drives through the country with her. They don't get to go to the drive in hot dog stand and order icy cold root beers and listen to Neil Sedaka or Ann Murray on her 8 track player. She was always so giving of her TIME when I was a kid, I can understand why when I was a child my parents chose her as my guardian if anything had happened to them.
We always go out to dinner when Aunt Suzie is in town with Aunt Debbie, and lately we've been enjoying Praise the Lard. I admit I kind of like the idea of family dinner with people other than us. It feels like home, even if it's out at a restaurant.
We enjoy sauces. We really do.
The twins are always super excited when Aunt Suzie and Aunt Debbie come to town too. I think they just know when someone is here who loves them, they always want to be right with them. It's hard not to be excited when someone like that comes around.
Our wrestlers this time (they give you a wrestler instead of a number) were the Wild Samoans and I'm afraid I am not familiar with their work. But I kept thinking of Tony RockyHorror and wondering why Marcellus threw him out of that window. Not really family dinner sort of thoughts but I couldn't help it.
Julia asked me how old Aunt Suzie was, and I told her she was a year or two older than Grandma at which point she cried and said "But I don't want Aunt Suzie to die."
Man, I don't either. I wish there was some way around it. I really do.
For my children too she's the magical Aunt who descends with presents and total attention to everything they have to tell her. Since we live far away they don't have the luxury of ice cream and drives through the country with her. They don't get to go to the drive in hot dog stand and order icy cold root beers and listen to Neil Sedaka or Ann Murray on her 8 track player. She was always so giving of her TIME when I was a kid, I can understand why when I was a child my parents chose her as my guardian if anything had happened to them.
We always go out to dinner when Aunt Suzie is in town with Aunt Debbie, and lately we've been enjoying Praise the Lard. I admit I kind of like the idea of family dinner with people other than us. It feels like home, even if it's out at a restaurant.
We enjoy sauces. We really do.
The twins are always super excited when Aunt Suzie and Aunt Debbie come to town too. I think they just know when someone is here who loves them, they always want to be right with them. It's hard not to be excited when someone like that comes around.
Our wrestlers this time (they give you a wrestler instead of a number) were the Wild Samoans and I'm afraid I am not familiar with their work. But I kept thinking of Tony RockyHorror and wondering why Marcellus threw him out of that window. Not really family dinner sort of thoughts but I couldn't help it.
Julia asked me how old Aunt Suzie was, and I told her she was a year or two older than Grandma at which point she cried and said "But I don't want Aunt Suzie to die."
Man, I don't either. I wish there was some way around it. I really do.
The Aunties Roll Through
People will someone ask me "who" my Aunt Suzie is. Well, one answer would've been that she was Mom's best friend. But that's such a simplification of who she is in our family. She's the family you choose. She's the person who never forgets your birthday or anniversary. She's the story keeper of our family, taking photos for the last 47 years that are truly the story of many of our special days. When my mom went into labor with me, they drove around the dorms where she lived honking their horns and yelling out the windows, to let her know they were on their way to the hospital. I'm pretty sure she didn't hear them but that's not the point. She was the first person they HAD to tell. When I came home from the hospital and the family descended to see the first grandbaby, she refused to let anyone but my Aunt Suzie hold me. My Aunt Suzie has never been Suzie - she's Aunt Suzie. She's far more of an Aunt than either of the ones I actually share DNA with.
For my children too she's the magical Aunt who descends with presents and total attention to everything they have to tell her. Since we live far away they don't have the luxury of ice cream and drives through the country with her. They don't get to go to the drive in hot dog stand and order icy cold root beers and listen to Neil Sedaka or Ann Murray on her 8 track player. She was always so giving of her TIME when I was a kid, I can understand why when I was a child my parents chose her as my guardian if anything had happened to them.
We always go out to dinner when Aunt Suzie is in town with Aunt Debbie, and lately we've been enjoying Praise the Lard. I admit I kind of like the idea of family dinner with people other than us. It feels like home, even if it's out at a restaurant.
We enjoy sauces. We really do.
The twins are always super excited when Aunt Suzie and Aunt Debbie come to town too. I think they just know when someone is here who loves them, they always want to be right with them. It's hard not to be excited when someone like that comes around.
Our wrestlers this time (they give you a wrestler instead of a number) were the Wild Samoans and I'm afraid I am not familiar with their work. But I kept thinking of Tony RockyHorror and wondering why Marcellus threw him out of that window. Not really family dinner sort of thoughts but I couldn't help it.
Julia asked me how old Aunt Suzie was, and I told her she was a year or two older than Grandma at which point she cried and said "But I don't want Aunt Suzie to die."
Man, I don't either. I wish there was some way around it. I really do.
For my children too she's the magical Aunt who descends with presents and total attention to everything they have to tell her. Since we live far away they don't have the luxury of ice cream and drives through the country with her. They don't get to go to the drive in hot dog stand and order icy cold root beers and listen to Neil Sedaka or Ann Murray on her 8 track player. She was always so giving of her TIME when I was a kid, I can understand why when I was a child my parents chose her as my guardian if anything had happened to them.
We always go out to dinner when Aunt Suzie is in town with Aunt Debbie, and lately we've been enjoying Praise the Lard. I admit I kind of like the idea of family dinner with people other than us. It feels like home, even if it's out at a restaurant.
We enjoy sauces. We really do.
The twins are always super excited when Aunt Suzie and Aunt Debbie come to town too. I think they just know when someone is here who loves them, they always want to be right with them. It's hard not to be excited when someone like that comes around.
Our wrestlers this time (they give you a wrestler instead of a number) were the Wild Samoans and I'm afraid I am not familiar with their work. But I kept thinking of Tony RockyHorror and wondering why Marcellus threw him out of that window. Not really family dinner sort of thoughts but I couldn't help it.
Julia asked me how old Aunt Suzie was, and I told her she was a year or two older than Grandma at which point she cried and said "But I don't want Aunt Suzie to die."
Man, I don't either. I wish there was some way around it. I really do.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
I Deal With More Poop Before 10 AM...
It was a dark and storm night. Ok it wasn't. It was a cold but sunny morning. Things were pretty much normal for a Saturday. There were twins in bed with us, and it was prior to 8 am but it was quickly apparent that no one was going to sleep if Mom didn't get up.
I didn't mind. There was coffee to be had and some stretching and relaxing in my future.
Things went pretty normally for a while. I changed diapers, I watched Spongebob with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, giving alternate drinks to whichever child is standing nearby to mooch a drink. I actually made them their own cup but my cup tastes better it seems.
Somewhere around 830 or 9 the poop parade began. "What's that stinky smell?" Julia asks and at our house it only means one thing, twin poop. So I found the culprit and changed him. As I headed back down the stairs I hear "Mommy I NEED TO THROW UP!"
We rush to the bathroom where nothing happens but she declares her tummy hurts. I tell her that perhaps she needs to poop (see more poop talk) and so she endeavors to make that happen while I discern that twin #2 needs changed so back upstairs I go.
I come back downstairs in a while, grab another cup of coffee and settle back into the couch for some more Spongebob and consider breakfast. I ask her what she wants, and she tells me she thinks she doesn't want to eat. That's a bad sign.
I wandered into kitchen and gave Miles his cereal choices and reminded him he has his OWN coffee cup. Dropped the bread in the toaster when I hear Julia say " I need to potty again." I said "Ok," not really considering that she JUST WENT.
I kissed Miles on the head and grabbed the sausage from the fridge when I hear a shriek and "MOMMY HELP ME HELP HELP HELP"
I run to the bathroom, throwing the sausage in the sink (why? I don't know) and behold my bathroom floor. And her legs. And her feet. Oh, she's unwell. She's just had an explosion of epic proportion. She's sobbing "What do I do Mommy?"
Mommy duty is amazing. If it were any person I hadn't given birth to I am pretty sure I'd be like "Good luck with that mess." But those big eyes crying huge tears and I'm not even bothered by the situation. First get out of those clothes, call Louis to resume breakfast.
"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?" He moans in horror when he comes to my aid.
One shower, one set of clean jammies later it's like it never happened. Much cleaning happened. Much Lysol was used. She still doesn't feel like eating much but she definitely feels better.
And as for me, I have been promised a nap today.
I am so going to take him up on it.
I didn't mind. There was coffee to be had and some stretching and relaxing in my future.
Things went pretty normally for a while. I changed diapers, I watched Spongebob with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, giving alternate drinks to whichever child is standing nearby to mooch a drink. I actually made them their own cup but my cup tastes better it seems.
Somewhere around 830 or 9 the poop parade began. "What's that stinky smell?" Julia asks and at our house it only means one thing, twin poop. So I found the culprit and changed him. As I headed back down the stairs I hear "Mommy I NEED TO THROW UP!"
We rush to the bathroom where nothing happens but she declares her tummy hurts. I tell her that perhaps she needs to poop (see more poop talk) and so she endeavors to make that happen while I discern that twin #2 needs changed so back upstairs I go.
I come back downstairs in a while, grab another cup of coffee and settle back into the couch for some more Spongebob and consider breakfast. I ask her what she wants, and she tells me she thinks she doesn't want to eat. That's a bad sign.
I wandered into kitchen and gave Miles his cereal choices and reminded him he has his OWN coffee cup. Dropped the bread in the toaster when I hear Julia say " I need to potty again." I said "Ok," not really considering that she JUST WENT.
I kissed Miles on the head and grabbed the sausage from the fridge when I hear a shriek and "MOMMY HELP ME HELP HELP HELP"
I run to the bathroom, throwing the sausage in the sink (why? I don't know) and behold my bathroom floor. And her legs. And her feet. Oh, she's unwell. She's just had an explosion of epic proportion. She's sobbing "What do I do Mommy?"
Mommy duty is amazing. If it were any person I hadn't given birth to I am pretty sure I'd be like "Good luck with that mess." But those big eyes crying huge tears and I'm not even bothered by the situation. First get out of those clothes, call Louis to resume breakfast.
"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?" He moans in horror when he comes to my aid.
One shower, one set of clean jammies later it's like it never happened. Much cleaning happened. Much Lysol was used. She still doesn't feel like eating much but she definitely feels better.
And as for me, I have been promised a nap today.
I am so going to take him up on it.
I Deal With More Poop Before 10 AM...
It was a dark and storm night. Ok it wasn't. It was a cold but sunny morning. Things were pretty much normal for a Saturday. There were twins in bed with us, and it was prior to 8 am but it was quickly apparent that no one was going to sleep if Mom didn't get up.
I didn't mind. There was coffee to be had and some stretching and relaxing in my future.
Things went pretty normally for a while. I changed diapers, I watched Spongebob with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, giving alternate drinks to whichever child is standing nearby to mooch a drink. I actually made them their own cup but my cup tastes better it seems.
Somewhere around 830 or 9 the poop parade began. "What's that stinky smell?" Julia asks and at our house it only means one thing, twin poop. So I found the culprit and changed him. As I headed back down the stairs I hear "Mommy I NEED TO THROW UP!"
We rush to the bathroom where nothing happens but she declares her tummy hurts. I tell her that perhaps she needs to poop (see more poop talk) and so she endeavors to make that happen while I discern that twin #2 needs changed so back upstairs I go.
I come back downstairs in a while, grab another cup of coffee and settle back into the couch for some more Spongebob and consider breakfast. I ask her what she wants, and she tells me she thinks she doesn't want to eat. That's a bad sign.
I wandered into kitchen and gave Miles his cereal choices and reminded him he has his OWN coffee cup. Dropped the bread in the toaster when I hear Julia say " I need to potty again." I said "Ok," not really considering that she JUST WENT.
I kissed Miles on the head and grabbed the sausage from the fridge when I hear a shriek and "MOMMY HELP ME HELP HELP HELP"
I run to the bathroom, throwing the sausage in the sink (why? I don't know) and behold my bathroom floor. And her legs. And her feet. Oh, she's unwell. She's just had an explosion of epic proportion. She's sobbing "What do I do Mommy?"
Mommy duty is amazing. If it were any person I hadn't given birth to I am pretty sure I'd be like "Good luck with that mess." But those big eyes crying huge tears and I'm not even bothered by the situation. First get out of those clothes, call Louis to resume breakfast.
"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?" He moans in horror when he comes to my aid.
One shower, one set of clean jammies later it's like it never happened. Much cleaning happened. Much Lysol was used. She still doesn't feel like eating much but she definitely feels better.
And as for me, I have been promised a nap today.
I am so going to take him up on it.
I didn't mind. There was coffee to be had and some stretching and relaxing in my future.
Things went pretty normally for a while. I changed diapers, I watched Spongebob with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, giving alternate drinks to whichever child is standing nearby to mooch a drink. I actually made them their own cup but my cup tastes better it seems.
Somewhere around 830 or 9 the poop parade began. "What's that stinky smell?" Julia asks and at our house it only means one thing, twin poop. So I found the culprit and changed him. As I headed back down the stairs I hear "Mommy I NEED TO THROW UP!"
We rush to the bathroom where nothing happens but she declares her tummy hurts. I tell her that perhaps she needs to poop (see more poop talk) and so she endeavors to make that happen while I discern that twin #2 needs changed so back upstairs I go.
I come back downstairs in a while, grab another cup of coffee and settle back into the couch for some more Spongebob and consider breakfast. I ask her what she wants, and she tells me she thinks she doesn't want to eat. That's a bad sign.
I wandered into kitchen and gave Miles his cereal choices and reminded him he has his OWN coffee cup. Dropped the bread in the toaster when I hear Julia say " I need to potty again." I said "Ok," not really considering that she JUST WENT.
I kissed Miles on the head and grabbed the sausage from the fridge when I hear a shriek and "MOMMY HELP ME HELP HELP HELP"
I run to the bathroom, throwing the sausage in the sink (why? I don't know) and behold my bathroom floor. And her legs. And her feet. Oh, she's unwell. She's just had an explosion of epic proportion. She's sobbing "What do I do Mommy?"
Mommy duty is amazing. If it were any person I hadn't given birth to I am pretty sure I'd be like "Good luck with that mess." But those big eyes crying huge tears and I'm not even bothered by the situation. First get out of those clothes, call Louis to resume breakfast.
"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?" He moans in horror when he comes to my aid.
One shower, one set of clean jammies later it's like it never happened. Much cleaning happened. Much Lysol was used. She still doesn't feel like eating much but she definitely feels better.
And as for me, I have been promised a nap today.
I am so going to take him up on it.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
A Fat Girl Goes Into A Running Store
I am not the sort of girl who shops in running stores. In fact, until about a week ago I wasn't the sort of girl who knew running stores EXISTED. Apparently running is such a thing that there are whole stores just for those who run. WHO KNEW?
I've been wearing these really cute Hello Kitty vans as my casual shoes and then more as my "every day" shoes as this situation with my plantars fasciitis tends to ebb and flow with the moon or something. If you haven't ever HAD plantars fasciitis then get down on your knees right now and pray to whomever you pray to a thankful prayer that you don't have this.
Here is what it is like, if you want to try it at home. Break up a bunch of glass and put it beside your bed. Make it variable pieces, large and small, sharp and smooth. Then, go to sleep. First thing in the morning, sit up on the edge of your bed and then plant your heel into that pile of glass. Stand up and put all of your weight into this pile of glass. Now, have that pile of glass magically stay under your foot for every other step you take throughout the day.
That's plantars fasciitis.
Well for some time it's been apparent that even with inserts to help with the pain I needed some better shoes. I wanted shoes I could walk if not run in (I want to run, my body doesn't want to run, thus far I am listening to it). So I asked about and was recommended to go to a running store. My first thought was like this.
Because a running store would be full of jock people who run and are fit and talk about their low body fat and whatever it is runners do. They're fine individually but runners in a group are irritating to us fat girls. Well, to me. I'm speaking for everyone. I'm the spokeswoman today.
But, it was brought to my attention that they could do a gait analysis and also some other stuff and help me pick out shoes best for ME. This seemed like witchcraft, however, I decided to give it a shot.
I have never tried on so many pair of shoes in my life. And what is this in some shoes I am a ten? WHAT IS THIS LIE?
It's not that I can't afford fancy shoes it's just that hell when you have four kids, one of whom is 13 you tend to make sure they get the stuff THEY need and well mom and dad get what "will do."
We're from the midwest - we make do.
So my experience in a running store was actually really amazing. I wasn't uncomfortable or weirded out but maybe that was because Tamara from twins club works there and so right when opening the door I saw a familiar face and that made it not scary. Her co-worker waited on me, and was really amazing to have someone so patiently listen to what I need and not think what I didn't know about was weird.
It really made me wish I was some hardcore runner because I want to go back and buy all the things from them because since they were so nice.
So, running stores exist and they aren't just for runners. Fat girls can go in and buy shoes. Our money is good there.
Who knew?
I've been wearing these really cute Hello Kitty vans as my casual shoes and then more as my "every day" shoes as this situation with my plantars fasciitis tends to ebb and flow with the moon or something. If you haven't ever HAD plantars fasciitis then get down on your knees right now and pray to whomever you pray to a thankful prayer that you don't have this.
Here is what it is like, if you want to try it at home. Break up a bunch of glass and put it beside your bed. Make it variable pieces, large and small, sharp and smooth. Then, go to sleep. First thing in the morning, sit up on the edge of your bed and then plant your heel into that pile of glass. Stand up and put all of your weight into this pile of glass. Now, have that pile of glass magically stay under your foot for every other step you take throughout the day.
That's plantars fasciitis.
Well for some time it's been apparent that even with inserts to help with the pain I needed some better shoes. I wanted shoes I could walk if not run in (I want to run, my body doesn't want to run, thus far I am listening to it). So I asked about and was recommended to go to a running store. My first thought was like this.
Because a running store would be full of jock people who run and are fit and talk about their low body fat and whatever it is runners do. They're fine individually but runners in a group are irritating to us fat girls. Well, to me. I'm speaking for everyone. I'm the spokeswoman today.
But, it was brought to my attention that they could do a gait analysis and also some other stuff and help me pick out shoes best for ME. This seemed like witchcraft, however, I decided to give it a shot.
I have never tried on so many pair of shoes in my life. And what is this in some shoes I am a ten? WHAT IS THIS LIE?
In a good shoe, I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, I buy a size eight.
Ok so maybe a 9 and a half. And apparently a ten on occasion.
But, they all felt amazing. Some were more amazing than others and after a while I narrowed down the most amazing and the even more amazing and made a choice. At that point I was the proud new owner of a really expensive pair of new sneakers.
We're from the midwest - we make do.
So my experience in a running store was actually really amazing. I wasn't uncomfortable or weirded out but maybe that was because Tamara from twins club works there and so right when opening the door I saw a familiar face and that made it not scary. Her co-worker waited on me, and was really amazing to have someone so patiently listen to what I need and not think what I didn't know about was weird.
It really made me wish I was some hardcore runner because I want to go back and buy all the things from them because since they were so nice.
So, running stores exist and they aren't just for runners. Fat girls can go in and buy shoes. Our money is good there.
Who knew?
A Fat Girl Goes Into A Running Store
I am not the sort of girl who shops in running stores. In fact, until about a week ago I wasn't the sort of girl who knew running stores EXISTED. Apparently running is such a thing that there are whole stores just for those who run. WHO KNEW?
I've been wearing these really cute Hello Kitty vans as my casual shoes and then more as my "every day" shoes as this situation with my plantars fasciitis tends to ebb and flow with the moon or something. If you haven't ever HAD plantars fasciitis then get down on your knees right now and pray to whomever you pray to a thankful prayer that you don't have this.
Here is what it is like, if you want to try it at home. Break up a bunch of glass and put it beside your bed. Make it variable pieces, large and small, sharp and smooth. Then, go to sleep. First thing in the morning, sit up on the edge of your bed and then plant your heel into that pile of glass. Stand up and put all of your weight into this pile of glass. Now, have that pile of glass magically stay under your foot for every other step you take throughout the day.
That's plantars fasciitis.
Well for some time it's been apparent that even with inserts to help with the pain I needed some better shoes. I wanted shoes I could walk if not run in (I want to run, my body doesn't want to run, thus far I am listening to it). So I asked about and was recommended to go to a running store. My first thought was like this.
Because a running store would be full of jock people who run and are fit and talk about their low body fat and whatever it is runners do. They're fine individually but runners in a group are irritating to us fat girls. Well, to me. I'm speaking for everyone. I'm the spokeswoman today.
But, it was brought to my attention that they could do a gait analysis and also some other stuff and help me pick out shoes best for ME. This seemed like witchcraft, however, I decided to give it a shot.
I have never tried on so many pair of shoes in my life. And what is this in some shoes I am a ten? WHAT IS THIS LIE?
It's not that I can't afford fancy shoes it's just that hell when you have four kids, one of whom is 13 you tend to make sure they get the stuff THEY need and well mom and dad get what "will do."
We're from the midwest - we make do.
So my experience in a running store was actually really amazing. I wasn't uncomfortable or weirded out but maybe that was because Tamara from twins club works there and so right when opening the door I saw a familiar face and that made it not scary. Her co-worker waited on me, and was really amazing to have someone so patiently listen to what I need and not think what I didn't know about was weird.
It really made me wish I was some hardcore runner because I want to go back and buy all the things from them because since they were so nice.
So, running stores exist and they aren't just for runners. Fat girls can go in and buy shoes. Our money is good there.
Who knew?
I've been wearing these really cute Hello Kitty vans as my casual shoes and then more as my "every day" shoes as this situation with my plantars fasciitis tends to ebb and flow with the moon or something. If you haven't ever HAD plantars fasciitis then get down on your knees right now and pray to whomever you pray to a thankful prayer that you don't have this.
Here is what it is like, if you want to try it at home. Break up a bunch of glass and put it beside your bed. Make it variable pieces, large and small, sharp and smooth. Then, go to sleep. First thing in the morning, sit up on the edge of your bed and then plant your heel into that pile of glass. Stand up and put all of your weight into this pile of glass. Now, have that pile of glass magically stay under your foot for every other step you take throughout the day.
That's plantars fasciitis.
Well for some time it's been apparent that even with inserts to help with the pain I needed some better shoes. I wanted shoes I could walk if not run in (I want to run, my body doesn't want to run, thus far I am listening to it). So I asked about and was recommended to go to a running store. My first thought was like this.
Because a running store would be full of jock people who run and are fit and talk about their low body fat and whatever it is runners do. They're fine individually but runners in a group are irritating to us fat girls. Well, to me. I'm speaking for everyone. I'm the spokeswoman today.
But, it was brought to my attention that they could do a gait analysis and also some other stuff and help me pick out shoes best for ME. This seemed like witchcraft, however, I decided to give it a shot.
I have never tried on so many pair of shoes in my life. And what is this in some shoes I am a ten? WHAT IS THIS LIE?
In a good shoe, I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, I buy a size eight.
Ok so maybe a 9 and a half. And apparently a ten on occasion.
But, they all felt amazing. Some were more amazing than others and after a while I narrowed down the most amazing and the even more amazing and made a choice. At that point I was the proud new owner of a really expensive pair of new sneakers.
We're from the midwest - we make do.
So my experience in a running store was actually really amazing. I wasn't uncomfortable or weirded out but maybe that was because Tamara from twins club works there and so right when opening the door I saw a familiar face and that made it not scary. Her co-worker waited on me, and was really amazing to have someone so patiently listen to what I need and not think what I didn't know about was weird.
It really made me wish I was some hardcore runner because I want to go back and buy all the things from them because since they were so nice.
So, running stores exist and they aren't just for runners. Fat girls can go in and buy shoes. Our money is good there.
Who knew?
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Adventures In Grant Park
Well we were up early for a day of adventure this Sunday, and while Ria's Bluebird may have the best pancakes in America per the New York Times, it also has a wait an hour long apparently and that just doesn't work so well for our little guys. Luckily the husband did a little reading up about other places to eat in the area and found us a PERFECT spot for Sunday Brunch - Dakota Blue.
I have to say everything was really tasty. Let me HIGHLY recommend the Grand Marnier french toast, it was ridiculous. I'm not sure the last time I saw Miles eat so much food. It was really tasty. It looks like such a little hole in the wall, it's really the last place I'd fall into with my family but there were lots of other families in there. It was a really nice surprise.
This ridiculous painting was on the wall. It makes me love the place even more.
After brunch we set off for our destination - ZOO ATLANTA. Our local libraries have a deal where there is a video about the zoo you can check out, and after you watch it and watch the quiz about it you can then return it for FOUR Zoo passes. So we only had to buy two and hope the weather cooperated. It was raining when we arrived, and a little cold and dreary.
One of the things I always find interesting about going out with all of my little guys is what THEY like. For instance, Miles and Julia always want to do one of these photo ops whenever they see one. They both think they are funny and will run right over to it without being asked to.
Charlie was very interested in the giraffes, but at the end of the day when I asked him what he liked best he said TIGER very loudly. So maybe it was the tiger.
For me one of the most interesting things was the gorilla exhibit and they've got really nice big habitats for them, it's pretty impressive. It might be because we've got a major primate research center near us. They definitely don't seem to have as much room as I think they should have for the elephants.
"Draw me like one of your French girls," Louis said upon walking into the glass observation area of the exhibit. This gorilla is actually shielding her baby from our eyes. We sat and watched them all of quite a while, it was a thriving family unit here closest to us. They all sign (omg you know how that freaks me out) and the mothers snuggled their babies close. If you can say they don't love their children you aren't watching them. They fiercely love their children. They are pretty amazing creatures.
The tiger Charlie was so fond of was walking around ROARING like a nut. It actually sounded like he had a hairball and was mad about it. We couldn't tell exactly what was his complaint. It really did seem like something was wrong but it was hard to tell what he needed, other than to possibly eat us.
Some animals were just too boring to be entertaining for too long. I guess all zoo exhibits are not created equal for five year olds.
Lions on the other hand, are awesome and so of course those garner our full attention. LIONS!
We made a short lunch stop and enjoyed the cool breeze and warm day. It had stopped raining shortly after we got there so we got really lucky - because pretty much all of Alabama was covered in rain which means it was coming our way.
I am never NOT impressed by the fact that we have pandas, and that seeing them is routine around here. THEY ARE PANDAS PEOPLE OMG BEHOLD PANDAS. They're adorable and beautiful and amazing, and of course super dangerous and will rip off your face and eat it.
Our original plan when we arrived was to bust a move straight to the reptile house (MY LEAST FAVORITE PLACE) but it's indoors and we decided it would be a good place to wait out the rain. However the rain downgraded to mist and then stopped. We eventually got there, and discovered they have built a whole NEW reptile house since we were last there. The new one was actually quite lovely despite being full of horrible snakes. Cobra? Black mamba? OMG kill them with fire. I hate snakes.
Mom said the story of Louis life could be told in the photos of the carousels he's ridden. Every time we get on a carousel I think of her saying that. She laughed when she said it, and she's right, we rarely pass up a carousel. He's 13 and I am pretty sure we're very close to that age where he's too cool to ride.
I, however, will never be.
My life needs more carousels, and tigers, and lions, and great apes.
I need more everything.
I had some point I was going to write about when I started this post but then I spent two mornings trying to make my internet do what I wanted and now I've lost the thread. So, behold, we went to the zoo. And there was great rejoicing.
I have to say everything was really tasty. Let me HIGHLY recommend the Grand Marnier french toast, it was ridiculous. I'm not sure the last time I saw Miles eat so much food. It was really tasty. It looks like such a little hole in the wall, it's really the last place I'd fall into with my family but there were lots of other families in there. It was a really nice surprise.
This ridiculous painting was on the wall. It makes me love the place even more.
After brunch we set off for our destination - ZOO ATLANTA. Our local libraries have a deal where there is a video about the zoo you can check out, and after you watch it and watch the quiz about it you can then return it for FOUR Zoo passes. So we only had to buy two and hope the weather cooperated. It was raining when we arrived, and a little cold and dreary.
A before and after at the zoo, separated by four years. In a couple more years they won't fit at all. That amazes me.
Charlie was very interested in the giraffes, but at the end of the day when I asked him what he liked best he said TIGER very loudly. So maybe it was the tiger.
For me one of the most interesting things was the gorilla exhibit and they've got really nice big habitats for them, it's pretty impressive. It might be because we've got a major primate research center near us. They definitely don't seem to have as much room as I think they should have for the elephants.
"Draw me like one of your French girls," Louis said upon walking into the glass observation area of the exhibit. This gorilla is actually shielding her baby from our eyes. We sat and watched them all of quite a while, it was a thriving family unit here closest to us. They all sign (omg you know how that freaks me out) and the mothers snuggled their babies close. If you can say they don't love their children you aren't watching them. They fiercely love their children. They are pretty amazing creatures.
The tiger Charlie was so fond of was walking around ROARING like a nut. It actually sounded like he had a hairball and was mad about it. We couldn't tell exactly what was his complaint. It really did seem like something was wrong but it was hard to tell what he needed, other than to possibly eat us.
Some animals were just too boring to be entertaining for too long. I guess all zoo exhibits are not created equal for five year olds.
Lions on the other hand, are awesome and so of course those garner our full attention. LIONS!
We made a short lunch stop and enjoyed the cool breeze and warm day. It had stopped raining shortly after we got there so we got really lucky - because pretty much all of Alabama was covered in rain which means it was coming our way.
I am never NOT impressed by the fact that we have pandas, and that seeing them is routine around here. THEY ARE PANDAS PEOPLE OMG BEHOLD PANDAS. They're adorable and beautiful and amazing, and of course super dangerous and will rip off your face and eat it.
Our original plan when we arrived was to bust a move straight to the reptile house (MY LEAST FAVORITE PLACE) but it's indoors and we decided it would be a good place to wait out the rain. However the rain downgraded to mist and then stopped. We eventually got there, and discovered they have built a whole NEW reptile house since we were last there. The new one was actually quite lovely despite being full of horrible snakes. Cobra? Black mamba? OMG kill them with fire. I hate snakes.
Mom said the story of Louis life could be told in the photos of the carousels he's ridden. Every time we get on a carousel I think of her saying that. She laughed when she said it, and she's right, we rarely pass up a carousel. He's 13 and I am pretty sure we're very close to that age where he's too cool to ride.
I, however, will never be.
My life needs more carousels, and tigers, and lions, and great apes.
I need more everything.
I had some point I was going to write about when I started this post but then I spent two mornings trying to make my internet do what I wanted and now I've lost the thread. So, behold, we went to the zoo. And there was great rejoicing.
Adventures In Grant Park
Well we were up early for a day of adventure this Sunday, and while Ria's Bluebird may have the best pancakes in America per the New York Times, it also has a wait an hour long apparently and that just doesn't work so well for our little guys. Luckily the husband did a little reading up about other places to eat in the area and found us a PERFECT spot for Sunday Brunch - Dakota Blue.
I have to say everything was really tasty. Let me HIGHLY recommend the Grand Marnier french toast, it was ridiculous. I'm not sure the last time I saw Miles eat so much food. It was really tasty. It looks like such a little hole in the wall, it's really the last place I'd fall into with my family but there were lots of other families in there. It was a really nice surprise.
This ridiculous painting was on the wall. It makes me love the place even more.
After brunch we set off for our destination - ZOO ATLANTA. Our local libraries have a deal where there is a video about the zoo you can check out, and after you watch it and watch the quiz about it you can then return it for FOUR Zoo passes. So we only had to buy two and hope the weather cooperated. It was raining when we arrived, and a little cold and dreary.
One of the things I always find interesting about going out with all of my little guys is what THEY like. For instance, Miles and Julia always want to do one of these photo ops whenever they see one. They both think they are funny and will run right over to it without being asked to.
Charlie was very interested in the giraffes, but at the end of the day when I asked him what he liked best he said TIGER very loudly. So maybe it was the tiger.
For me one of the most interesting things was the gorilla exhibit and they've got really nice big habitats for them, it's pretty impressive. It might be because we've got a major primate research center near us. They definitely don't seem to have as much room as I think they should have for the elephants.
"Draw me like one of your French girls," Louis said upon walking into the glass observation area of the exhibit. This gorilla is actually shielding her baby from our eyes. We sat and watched them all of quite a while, it was a thriving family unit here closest to us. They all sign (omg you know how that freaks me out) and the mothers snuggled their babies close. If you can say they don't love their children you aren't watching them. They fiercely love their children. They are pretty amazing creatures.
The tiger Charlie was so fond of was walking around ROARING like a nut. It actually sounded like he had a hairball and was mad about it. We couldn't tell exactly what was his complaint. It really did seem like something was wrong but it was hard to tell what he needed, other than to possibly eat us.
Some animals were just too boring to be entertaining for too long. I guess all zoo exhibits are not created equal for five year olds.
Lions on the other hand, are awesome and so of course those garner our full attention. LIONS!
We made a short lunch stop and enjoyed the cool breeze and warm day. It had stopped raining shortly after we got there so we got really lucky - because pretty much all of Alabama was covered in rain which means it was coming our way.
I am never NOT impressed by the fact that we have pandas, and that seeing them is routine around here. THEY ARE PANDAS PEOPLE OMG BEHOLD PANDAS. They're adorable and beautiful and amazing, and of course super dangerous and will rip off your face and eat it.
Our original plan when we arrived was to bust a move straight to the reptile house (MY LEAST FAVORITE PLACE) but it's indoors and we decided it would be a good place to wait out the rain. However the rain downgraded to mist and then stopped. We eventually got there, and discovered they have built a whole NEW reptile house since we were last there. The new one was actually quite lovely despite being full of horrible snakes. Cobra? Black mamba? OMG kill them with fire. I hate snakes.
Mom said the story of Louis life could be told in the photos of the carousels he's ridden. Every time we get on a carousel I think of her saying that. She laughed when she said it, and she's right, we rarely pass up a carousel. He's 13 and I am pretty sure we're very close to that age where he's too cool to ride.
I, however, will never be.
My life needs more carousels, and tigers, and lions, and great apes.
I need more everything.
I had some point I was going to write about when I started this post but then I spent two mornings trying to make my internet do what I wanted and now I've lost the thread. So, behold, we went to the zoo. And there was great rejoicing.
I have to say everything was really tasty. Let me HIGHLY recommend the Grand Marnier french toast, it was ridiculous. I'm not sure the last time I saw Miles eat so much food. It was really tasty. It looks like such a little hole in the wall, it's really the last place I'd fall into with my family but there were lots of other families in there. It was a really nice surprise.
This ridiculous painting was on the wall. It makes me love the place even more.
After brunch we set off for our destination - ZOO ATLANTA. Our local libraries have a deal where there is a video about the zoo you can check out, and after you watch it and watch the quiz about it you can then return it for FOUR Zoo passes. So we only had to buy two and hope the weather cooperated. It was raining when we arrived, and a little cold and dreary.
A before and after at the zoo, separated by four years. In a couple more years they won't fit at all. That amazes me.
Charlie was very interested in the giraffes, but at the end of the day when I asked him what he liked best he said TIGER very loudly. So maybe it was the tiger.
For me one of the most interesting things was the gorilla exhibit and they've got really nice big habitats for them, it's pretty impressive. It might be because we've got a major primate research center near us. They definitely don't seem to have as much room as I think they should have for the elephants.
"Draw me like one of your French girls," Louis said upon walking into the glass observation area of the exhibit. This gorilla is actually shielding her baby from our eyes. We sat and watched them all of quite a while, it was a thriving family unit here closest to us. They all sign (omg you know how that freaks me out) and the mothers snuggled their babies close. If you can say they don't love their children you aren't watching them. They fiercely love their children. They are pretty amazing creatures.
The tiger Charlie was so fond of was walking around ROARING like a nut. It actually sounded like he had a hairball and was mad about it. We couldn't tell exactly what was his complaint. It really did seem like something was wrong but it was hard to tell what he needed, other than to possibly eat us.
Some animals were just too boring to be entertaining for too long. I guess all zoo exhibits are not created equal for five year olds.
Lions on the other hand, are awesome and so of course those garner our full attention. LIONS!
We made a short lunch stop and enjoyed the cool breeze and warm day. It had stopped raining shortly after we got there so we got really lucky - because pretty much all of Alabama was covered in rain which means it was coming our way.
I am never NOT impressed by the fact that we have pandas, and that seeing them is routine around here. THEY ARE PANDAS PEOPLE OMG BEHOLD PANDAS. They're adorable and beautiful and amazing, and of course super dangerous and will rip off your face and eat it.
Our original plan when we arrived was to bust a move straight to the reptile house (MY LEAST FAVORITE PLACE) but it's indoors and we decided it would be a good place to wait out the rain. However the rain downgraded to mist and then stopped. We eventually got there, and discovered they have built a whole NEW reptile house since we were last there. The new one was actually quite lovely despite being full of horrible snakes. Cobra? Black mamba? OMG kill them with fire. I hate snakes.
Mom said the story of Louis life could be told in the photos of the carousels he's ridden. Every time we get on a carousel I think of her saying that. She laughed when she said it, and she's right, we rarely pass up a carousel. He's 13 and I am pretty sure we're very close to that age where he's too cool to ride.
I, however, will never be.
My life needs more carousels, and tigers, and lions, and great apes.
I need more everything.
I had some point I was going to write about when I started this post but then I spent two mornings trying to make my internet do what I wanted and now I've lost the thread. So, behold, we went to the zoo. And there was great rejoicing.